BXO Can Help You Find The Right Wealth Manager

When selecting a wealth advisor there are several components of the engagement you will want to familiarize yourself with to ensure you have the right wealth advisor
and plan in place. Before discussing the appropriate engagement, it is important to know that on average, 80% of business owners do not have a financial plan. This lack
of financial planning can have a dramatic impact on your transactions net proceeds (what you keep from the transaction after fees and taxes) and the overall result. The
first question you will want to ask yourself is what type of advisor do I want to work with? Finding the right wealth advisor can be very difficult if you don’t have a clear
understanding of what is needed. Due to the change in your financial situation, new elements will add complexity to identifying the right wealth advisor.

Click below to request our whitepaper on identifying the right wealth manager for you. 

Contact us to discuss your preparedness plan: [email protected]



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